Friday, March 19, 2010

Some cup of coffee!

On my way to work one day I felt the need to stop at Quick Trip for a cup of coffee. I had already consumed at least 4-5 cups. However, I stopped. It was the same "Hello, welcome to Quick Trip" that normally greets you. What I found strange, there were only 3 people in the store.

I headed back to get a cup and I saw a very small, quiet, timid women watching what I was doing, as if she did not know how to get the coffee or make the fancy cream machine work(I wish I had one of those at home). I smiled, finished getting my cup of coffee and headed up to the counter to pay. There she was again, following me. For a moment I thought should I pay for her coffee? I noticed that she had money, so I was good to go.

When I got to my car,I had this loud thought, What?... you want me to do what? Yep, I asked again, are you sure? Just then, I noticed she was heading to her car, which was parked next to mine!

So.. I put my coffee down,walked over to her car as she was getting in and said, Excuse me, I do not want to startle you but, I am suppose to "Pray"with you. As I said those words she had a look on her face that I can't put into words, it confirmed what I had been told to do. I prayed a simple prayer nothing fancy or earth moving, told her Jesus loved her, and He wanted her to know it. She began to cry and told me thank you!

It reached me to the core of my being, this was not the thank you I had ever heard before.. It was a thank you from My father who had asked me to do something for one of His children who was so desperate to hear from Him at the moment! After a brief hug and a smile, we both got into our cars and went our seperated way.

I may never see her again however, she is forever in my heart. All the way to work I wondered about her life, where she was going, what could of happened to make her so desperate for God to use me? The Lord reminded me that none of those things mattered, all I needed to know is that, when I hear that voice, I need to do just what it is telling me to do. I may have thought it was about her that day, however I am CONFIDENT it was about me! It was about my obedience.

Go ahead, just do it.. It just may change you forever!

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