Saturday, July 17, 2010

Is she ready to go?

In just a few short weeks we will be sending our daughter off to college.

Did I really just say that?

Even as I write this I find myself taking a deep breath and wondering if we have done all we could to prepare her for this wonderful exciting time in her life.

A very wise women told me just a few days before she was born "watch very closely to how she responds to this world in the very first hours of her life".

So having no clue what to expect, I did just as she said.

I watched how she was so verbal, and how strong she was, how determined she was to see what was going on all around her. I noticed that she was calmed when she heard the familiar voices, singing over her and giving her guidence as to what to expect next. I saw how she responded to the nurse who was ever so careful to give her the first bath, and wrap her in her first warm blanket. How a touch from her sweet daddy made her immediatley calm. That first hour of her life was very insightful as to what type of child she would become.

Many times I have gone back to that moment in time, and remembered her first few hours of life, when she was very verbal,strong and determined to see what was going on all around her. It all made sense when she was blazing the trails of life..and somehow it would help me to guide her through fun,exciting and some not so fun days.

As we get ready to "send her off" I am comforted by this thought once again..
she is verbal... she stands for what she believes.
she is stong... she has a firm foundation.
she is determined... she is relentless about the things of God
she is calmed by a familiar voice...she has learned to hear the voice of God
she is sensitive... she is moved with compassion to help others
she is wise... she seeks counsel from those who are in authority over her
she is a follower of CHRIST... she seeks the one who gives her life and peace

I have great anticipation for the future of this precious gift!

So have we done all we could of to prepare her for this time in her life?

We have done our best...and where we have come short her Heavenly father has spoke to her deep secrets and she has heard His voice and is hanging onto every word to sustain her whole being...

so I believe...